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  6. Perez Pena, Daniela

Perez Pena, Daniela

PhD student, admission 2020

Nationality: Chilean 

Education: Professor of Spanish Language and Literature and Graduate in Education, Universidad de Las Américas, Chile; Master in Literature, University of Chile

Introductionon: Daniela Pérez Peña is a professor of Language and Literature and a Master's in Literature. She is interested in the didactics of writing in a school context, with special emphasis on secondary education. since 2015 He works in school teaching, also doing classes in pre-university and university assistantship.

About my thesis

Thesis: Literacy Practices: Academic and Vernacular Writings in a School Context

Project description: The project aims to analyze the perceptions of students regarding the writing practices they carry out in classes and letter practices outside the school context. 

Director: Natalia Avila Reyes 

Line of research: School teaching and learning 

Publications and presentations





  • Narrative of the performance: questions to the social construction of the feminine in “The things that we lost in the fire” by Mariana Enríquez, XLIII International Congress of the IILI, Faculty of Letters et Sciences Humaines of the University of Reims, Reims, France, July 2021.
  • Cronwel Jara's Montacerdos: Degradation of morality and the grotesque imaginary, II days (Dis) figurations of the body in the literatures of the current world, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, December 2017.
  • Doña Bárbara de Rómulo Gallego: dynamics and ruptures of the female character in the public space, IV Postgraduate Research Conference on Literature, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, November 2017.

Participation in projects

academic writing

Line of research: teaching and learning

Academic: Juana Puga Larrain 

Student: Daniela Pérez 

Project summary: The Induction course in communication skills for first year students of the University of the Americas was a project that implemented a didactic methodology for develop academic writing, from the incorporation of grammar to the functional level and textual production.