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Application process for competitive funds

If you are a researcher at our Faculty,read the following steps and apply for the competitive funds available to finance your research projects. 

Step by step to apply


Present the project to the ethics committee

Submit your research project to Scientific Ethical Committee of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities UC. This entity will review, within a period not exceeding 30 business days, your research proposal. From this review, a code of ethics will be obtained, which is requested to apply for Sponsorship from the UC Vice-Rector for Research, and thus it will be identified that the project is approved by the Ethics Committee.


Complete the Internal Mandatory Declaration

Complete here the Internal Mandatory Declaration (DOI). This document is requested by the UC Research Vice-Rectorate, and must accompany any research project that requires the signature of a university authority.


Review and signature of the Research Department and the Economic Department.

During this process, the Research Department and the Economic Department of the Faculty of Education review the projects submitted. 


Application in Vice-rector for Research

The application documents of each researcher must be uploaded to a platform of the Research Vice-Rectory (VRI) dedicated to each contest, and after the Research Department of the Faculty of Education reviews the documents, the application process can continue. All this, prior to the announcement of internal dates on the application process indicated by the Research Department to the academic body.   



Once the application has been made, the responsible researcher or researcher must wait for the notice that will indicate whether their research project was awarded, which will be notified via personal mail and/or on the website of the Research Vice-Rector of the Catholic University. 

Links of interest

You have doubts? Contact us!

If you are interested in learning more about research and academic projects, you can write to us at the following email address: direccion.inv.edu@uc.cl