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The UC Faculty of Education has had a high academic production in publications both in scientific journals, books, reports, among others, in which they address different topics related to education.

Academic Publications

On this site you will find the most important publications developed by our researchers. 

Educational Thought. Latin American Educational Research Journal (PEL)

The Latin American Educational Research Journal Educational Thought (PEL) is the heir to the publications "Annals of the Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences" (1953) and the "Educational Research Bulletin" (1983) of the Faculty of Education. PEL was created in 1993 as a highly complex scientific journal that publishes the projects of national and international researchers. With a renewed editorial line, in 2011, the journal became an electronic publication, and is currently indexed by Scopus, SciELO, HAPI, Latindex, Google Scholar, among others.

PEL Magazine

The Latin American Educational Research Journal Educational Thought (PEL) is an open access publication that disseminates original articles that address educational problems from various disciplinary fields and methodological approaches, both national and international.