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Doctorate in Education UC participated in Open House Virtual UC 2023

July 25, 2023

More than 70 people attended the informative talk and learned details of the UC Education Doctorate, a program accredited for 6 years. The application period begins on August 16 and ends on September 15.

PhD in Education UC

On July 19, the Virtual Open House of UC PhDs 2023, activity organized by the Graduate School for the Research Vice Presidency with the aim of promoting a virtual experience for all people interested in training as researchers of excellence. In this context, the Faculty of Education gave an informative talk in which more than 70 participants gathered who learned details and resolved doubts about the Doctoral Program in Education UC. 

Valeria Cabello, academic and head of the Doctoral Program, welcomed the attendees, and indicated that the program, which began in 1990, adds 190 doctors and doctors graduated in Education, and currently owns the highest accreditation in the country in doctorates in the educational area, equivalent to six years. 

“We do not research only to increase knowledge, but also with a strong emphasis on Social transformations that our current life requires. We investigate to generate transformations that society needs, from knowledge in the educational field. Our goal, beyond training doctors in education, is to train researchers who have the ability to reflect to generate knowledge that is new, original and rigorous at the same time”, explained Valeria Cabello. 

The participants of the Open House learned details about the PhD infrastructure, the curriculum, the seven lines of investigation and the 39 academics that make up the doctoral faculty

In addition, they were able to interact with the academics Maria Ines Susperreguy, Valentina Errazuriz y M. Paola Seville, who detailed their current lines of research and the possibilities of joining projects as future doctoral students.

Felipe Coloma y Carla Lobos, first-year students of the program, shared their experience in these first 6 months. “You come here with an idea, a plan, and from the first semester the subjects allow you to link everything to the subject of interest each. You are understanding, working and learning much more”, explained Carla Lobos.

Open House Virtual Doctorate in Education UC

“Most of the people who enter the doctorate already have a track record, have done research and have certain methodological preferences. But I think that a wealth that the doctorate has is the invitation and the demand to open up to understand various methodologies. One can see different ways of responding to their questions. Research questions”, added Felipe Coloma.

For more information about the application and the admission process for the year 2024, you can visit the site of the PhD in Education UC or complete the contact form.