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Calcagni, Elisa

Profesora Asistente

Es Ph.D en Educación de la Universidad de Cambridge, Reino Unido. Sus líneas de investigación se enfocan en el desarrollo profesional docente, la indagación docente, y el desarrollo de prácticas dialógicas de enseñanza y aprendizaje en distintos niveles educativos y asignaturas.

Principales áreas de estudio: Desarrollo profesional docente, indagación docente, prácticas de aula, enseñanza dialógica





Título profesional Institución que lo otorga Año
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) University of Cambridge 2020
Magister en Psicología, mención Psicología Educacional Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 2012
Psicóloga Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 2011

Docencia y formación de investigadores

Proyectos de investigación
Años Tipo Nombre Rol
2015-202 Proyecto Professional dialogues to foster dialogic pedagogy in mathematics: Design and test of a school-run teacher professional development programme Investigadora doctoral


Autor Año Título Revista Volumen Páginas DOI
Calcagni, E., Ahmed, F., Trigo-Clapes, A. L., Kershner, R., & Hennessy, S. 2023 Developing dialogic classroom practices through supporting professional agency: Teachers? experiences of using the T-SEDA practitioner-led inquiry approach Teaching and Teacher Education 126 10.1016/J.TATE.2023.104067
Gröschner, A., Calcagni, E., Klaß, S., Hickethier, F. 2022 Unterrichtsgespräche als Core Practices? Lernen im Learning to Teach-Lab: Science [¿Diálogo de aula como “core practice”? Aprender en el Learning to Teach-Lab: Science] Journal für LehrerInnen Bildung [Revista de formación docente] 22 (3) 44-57 1https://doi.org/10.35468/jlb-03-2022-03
Hennessy, S., Kershner, R., Calcagni, E., & Ahmed, F. 2021 Supporting practitioner‐led inquiry into classroom dialogue with a research‐informed professional learning resource: A design‐based approach Review of Education 9 (3) https://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3269
Hennessy, S., Calcagni, E., Leung, A., & Mercer, N. 2021 An analysis of the forms of teacher-student dialogue that are most productive for learning Language and Education 37 (2) 186–211 10.1080/09500782.2021.1956943
Vrikki, M., Kershner, R., Calcagni, E., Hennessy, S., Lee, L., Hernández, F., Estrada, N., & Ahmed, F. 2019 The teacher scheme for educational dialogue analysis (T-SEDA): developing a research-based observation tool for supporting teacher inquiry into pupils’ participation in classroom dialogue International Journal of Research & Method in Education 42 (2) 185-203 http://doi.org.10.1080/1743727X.2018.1467890
Preiss, D. D., Grau, V., Torres Irribarra, D., & Calcagni, E. 2018 Metacognition, self- regulation, and autonomy support in the Chilean mathematics classroom: An observational study New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 1–22 1-22 http://doi.org/10.1002/cad.20260
Calcagni, E., & Lago, L. 2018 The Three Domains for Dialogue: a framework for analysing and promoting dialogic teaching and learning Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 18 1-12 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lcsi.2018.03.001
Grau, V., Calcagni, E., Preiss, D. D., & Ortiz, D. 2017 Teachers’ professional development through university-school partnerships: theoretical standpoints and evidence from two pilot studies in Chile Cambridge Journal of Education 47 (1) 19-36 http://doi.org/10.1080/0305764X.2015.1102867
Preiss, D. D., Calcagni, E., Grau, V. 2015 Classroom research and child and adolescent development in South America New Directions in Child and Adolescent Development 147 85-92 https://doi.org/10.1002/cad.20093
Preiss, D. D., Calcagni, E., Espinoza, A. M., Gómez, D., Grau, V., Guzmán, V. Müller, M. Ramírez, M. F., Volante, P. 2014 Buenas Prácticas Pedagógicas Observadas en el Aula de Segundo Ciclo Básico en Chile Psykhé 23 (2) 1-12 http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-22282014000200002&lng=es&tlng=es.
Capítulos de libros
Autor Año Título de capítulo Editores Título de libro Páginas Editorial DOI / URL
Gröschner, A., Klaß, S. & Calcagni, E. 2024 Productive Classroom Talk as a Core Practice: Promoting Evidence-Based Practices in Teacher-Student Interaction in Preservice Teacher Education. P. Grossman & U. Fraefel Core Practices from a Global Perspective. Harvard Education Press. https://hep.gse.harvard.edu/9781682538685/core-practices-in-teacher-education/
Calcagni, E., Grau, V., Cortez, M., & Gómez, D. 2021 What we can name in the classroom Mesiti, C. Michèle Artigue, Hilary Hollingsworth, Yiming Cao, David Clarke Teachers Talking about their Classrooms. Learning from the Professional Lexicons of Mathematics Teachers around the World Routledge https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429355622
Grau, V., Calcagni, E., Cortez, M., Gómez, D., Díaz, G., Araya, C., & Preiss, D. D. 2021 Chilean Lexicon. C. Mesiti, M. Artigue, H. Hollingsworth, Y. Cao, & D.J. Clarke Teachers talking about their classrooms: Learning from the professional lexicons of mathematics teachers around the world Routledge https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429355622
Kershner, R., Dowdall, K., Hennessy, S., Owen, H., & Calcagni, E. 2020 Teachers as "natural experimenters": Using T-SEDA to develop classroom dialogue. In E. Hargreaves and L. Rolls Reimagining Professional Development in Schools. Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Reimagining-Professional-Development-in-Schools/Hargreaves-Rolls/p/book/9780367264512

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