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High School

The research line deals with generate research, training and transfer on the interaction between higher education policies and institutional strategies, from the perspective of access, teaching and learning in programs and organizational structures. 


This line studies topics such as institutional learning, technical-professional education, internationalization in higher education institutions, knowledge building in the globalized society, innovation in various organizational structures, among others.

student directory

The directory of our current students of the line of research in Higher Education is presented below.

student information

Leniz Ulloa, Star

Ponce Pradenas, Daniel

Zuniga Parada, Denisse

Professors Directory

Our Faculty has academics specialized in the line of research in Higher Education.

Teacher Information

Ávila, Natalia

Associate Professor

Study areas: Didactics of writing, Academic writing

Andrés Bernasconi

Bernasconi, Andres

Associate Professor

Study areas: Private higher education, Sociology of Higher Education

Carlos González Profesor asociado

González, Carlos

Associate professor

Study areas: Initial teacher training and ICTs, Information and communication technologies

Ana Luisa Muñoz, Académica Educación UC

Munoz, Ana Luisa

Associate Professor

Study areas: Curriculum, Higher education, Internationalization, Knowledge policies

Santelices, María Verónica

Associate Professor

Study areas: Design of standardized tests, Evaluation of educational programs

Seville, Maria Paola

Associate Professor

Study areas: Gender inequalities, Segregation and socioeconomic stratification, Training-labour trajectories

Véliz, Daniela

Associate Professor

Study areas: Gender, Internationalization, Academic profession