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Academics and Scholars

The academics of UC Educationthey investigate what they teach and are committed to strengthening the professional capacities of the students of the different degrees and undergraduate and postgraduate programs of the faculty.

Meet the professors and professors of the UC Faculty of Education who are committed to teacher training.

Frequent Questions

Academic Calendar

Get to know the calendar of academic and student activities of the Catholic University. 



What is a profile in ORCID?


 Open Researcher and Contribution ID (ORCID) is a non-profit organization that provides a unique and permanent identifier for each researcher. 

ORCID designates a 16-digit numerical code in the form of a URL that will allow the researcher to be identified in any search bibliographic databases, scientific content portals, etc.


How do I get a record in ORCID?


To get a ORCID code It is necessary for the academic or academic to register by completing the form available at the ORCID website.


How do I apply to a UC internal fund?


Once you have prepared your research project, you must read the next steps and thus you will be able to apply to the internal competitive funds available to finance your research. 

What every academic should know

Alejandro Carrasco, Decano Facultad Educación UC

Interview with Alejandro Carrasco, Dean of Education UC:

Alejandro Carrasco as Dean of the Faculty, tells us about his perspective and the stamp that he wanted to work on in the unit, as well as the projections and expectations that he has to meet.

Links and documents of interest

Do you need help?

If you have any questions about investigations, do not hesitate to contact us.