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  5. Teacher training and teacher professional development

Teacher training and teacher professional development

the research line Teacher training and teacher professional development It is in charge of generating research, training and transfer in the areas of professional knowledge, pedagogical knowledge of the content, evaluation and continuous training of teachers. 



This line develops research, training and transfer in the areas of professional knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, teacher evaluation, continuous teacher training, teacher trainers, initial teacher training, professional practice, teacher reflection/teacher conceptions, supervision and mentoring.

student directory

Below is the directory of our current students in the line of research in Teacher Training and Teacher Professional Development.

student information

Ainoa Marzabal Directora Desarrollo Académico UC

Ainoa Marzabal

Director of Interfaculty Pedagogies

Bachelor of Chemistry and Ph.D. in Didactics of Experimental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.