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  4. Characterizing the appropriation of the modeling practice in the initial training of physics teachers

Characterizing the appropriation of the modeling practice in the initial training of physics teachers

From the Didactics of Sciences, it is emphasized to involve students in a "School Scientific Activity" (ACE) that promotes the construction of key School Scientific Models (MCE), for the understanding of world phenomena (Izquierdo, Sanmartí and Espinet, 1999 ) through the modeling process. The relevance of modeling has been reported in various studies (eg Acher, Arcà and Sanmartí, 2007). However, they themselves give evidence of their scarce use in school contexts. One of the main reasons is the difficulty generated by the appropriation and implementation of this didactic approach in the teachers themselves (Schwarz et al., 2009). The literature provides evidence that the modeling of teaching approaches in Initial Teacher Training (FID) contributes to the transformation of beliefs, knowledge and implicit practices in future teachers (FP) (eg Cabello, Topping and Taylor , 2017). From this panorama, the interest arises to characterize the appropriation of the practice of modeling of FP of physics when experiencing in first person a course designed under this didactic approach, with the purpose of raising evidences for the strengthening of the FID of physics. To this end, this project aims to involve FPs in experiences where they experience first-hand activities with the didactic approach that are intended to be subsequently implemented in the classroom (Martínez-Chico, Jiménez-Liso, & López-Gay, 2014) and promote instances of didactic reflection around their participation in these activities, to later characterize the appropriation and transfer that they make of the modeling to their own didactic designs. It is expected with this research that the appropriation of the modeling practice of the FP is expressed in the didactic designs that they generate after experiencing model classes based on this approach. Expect to see a sophistication of your models as you build the MCEs as students. Thus, as well as that they acquire perceptions about the models and modeling aligned with the visions of scientific literacy and construction of scientific knowledge. They are expected to be more reflective teachers and strengthen their Pedagogical Content Knowledge to later transfer this knowledge to their classroom practices.