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Results of Publications

Children's and adolescents' digital access in Chile: the role of digital access modalities in digital uses and skills

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Children's home numeracy environment predicts growth of their early mathematical skills in kindergarten.

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Chilean EFL student teachers and social justice: ambiguity and uncertainties in understanding their professional pedagogical responsibility.

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Chilean kindergarten children's beliefs about mathematics: Family matters.

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Chilean university students' digital learning technology usage patterns and approaches to learning. ECNU Review of Education.

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Circulo Domoche: Making memories and doing methodology as we go

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Civic knowledge and open classroom discussion: Explaining tolerance of corruption among 8th-grade students in Latin America

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Social class and parental strategies to support students in a pandemic: Results for Chile of the International COVID-19 Impact on Parental Engagement Study

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Classroom ability composition and the role of academic performance and school misconduct in the formation of academic and friendship networks

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Pedagogical Collaboration: A Key to School Leadership

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How boys and girls respond to books about death: Analysis of reading responses of kindergarten to 4th grade students to the album book Sapo y la canción del Mirlo

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