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Valeria Cabello is appointed as a member of the advisory commission on the quality of initial teacher training

July 11, 2022

Valeria cabello, head of the UC education doctoral program

The instance, which is permanent, was created in the context of the teaching career law and seeks to deliver recommendations to the Mineduc authorities on this matter. The academic and head of the doctorate is the only representative of the UC.

The academic and head of the doctoral program in education at the Catholic University, Valeria Cabello, was appointed as an advisory member of the commission to improve the quality of initial teacher training (CAFID), within the framework of the Law on Professional Teacher Development.

The permanent commission was created in 2015 and its objective is to deliver recommendations on the matter to the authorities of the Ministry of Education, in order to improve the quality of the initial training of teachers. The academic Valeria is the only representative of the UC in the instance. 

"This appointment as a specialist fills me with joy and I assume it with great responsibility and academic humility. I believe that contributing to the analysis of teacher training policies is very necessary, and the research that I have developed is relevant to the work of this commission.Cabello explained.

In 2014, the academic developed research on collaborative work for teacher training that is transformative, global and responsive to the social and technological changes we are experiencing. She then investigated the practical training of student teachers based on peer-mediated learning in the areas of science and mathematics. “I believe that putting these perspectives into dialogue with those of the other members of the commission (deans, representatives of the ministry, national education awards, teachers' association) will enrich decision-making to harmonize initial teacher training.”, added the head of the Doctorate in Education.

The instance will also analyze, among other matters, the fluctuation of enrollment in teacher training programs.

The appointment of the UC academic, Valeria Cabello, means recognition of her academic career. “The improvement of the teaching profession requires a systemic commitment. Isolated efforts will be useless. That is where this Commission finds its relevance and we are proud that Professor Cabello contributes with all her knowledge and experience, ”said the dean Alejandro Carrasco.