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Link between science and democratization of results: the objectives of the CJE in its second period

November 15, 2022

The investigations of Center for Advanced Studies in Educational Justice (CJE) , which is financed by the National Research and Development Agency (ANID), are oriented to produce and contribute with research to public policies related to the processes of exclusion and injustices that occurred primarily in school spaces. Lhe guidelines proposed by the new management for the next five years point to take the center to isolated territories, insist on the relevance of democratizing research results and linking the social sciences with the natural sciences. 

On the latter, the director of the CJE and academic of the Faculty of Education UC, Claudia Matus, explained that "our objective is to strengthen interdisciplinary work among the six lines of research through combined small-scale research activities, to address the complex relationships between the biological, social and cultural dimensions that fuel the culture of pervasive inequality in Chile". 

Within this framework, at the end of October, the management together with the main researchers held a first meeting with Vivian Díaz Allendes, in charge of territorial outreach and development of the Network of Regional Centers and Stations RCER UC, who gave an account of the work in the different stations of the center -which circumscribes the most representative ecosystems of Chile- to initiate a link that enables joint work in the future, promoting interdisciplinary research and deploying the work of the CJE in other territories to decentralize its to do. 

Regarding the democratization of research results, Matus explained that with the renewal of its website to obtain more fluid navigation together with the exploration of new platforms, "We seek to broaden the scope of the results not only to the academy, but to ever larger groups of society”. 

Claudia Matus, director of CJE and UC Education academic

The new challenges posed for the second period are added to continuing the work carried out in the first five years, in which its researchers carried out dozens of investigations in its six lines of work: Pedagogical Inclusion, of the Disability, BioSocioCultural, Psychosocial, for Development and Institutional.

One of these investigations is the only longitudinal survey that has been applied to boys and girls between 0 and 3 years old, before and after the pandemic, led by Marigen Narea and her team. Along with this, Ricardo Rosas and associated teams have designed and implemented Yellow Red, a suite of tests to assess executive functions for deaf and blind children, which will be freely distributed worldwide. Likewise, the production of the short film # NormaDeGéneroBinaria stands out, where he worked together with Producer Pájaro and which is the result of interdisciplinary work in order to share research results in formats that reach different audiences. This work has been nominated for different animation festivals such as Chilemonos, Pixelatl, Annecy, Quirino, among others. 

During the month of October, CJE held the seminar: “The Role of Research in the Production of Inequalities in Education” which was attended by more than 100 figures from the academic world and government authorities, an instance that they hope to continue carrying out to reflect together on Educational Justiceal.