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Paulo Volante launches book "The philosophical course"

June 30, 2023

The text is the result of more than ten years of discussion in two courses taught at the Catholic University, and is a reflective invitation "to all who are interested in the phenomenon of education."

Academician Paulo Volante

What does an educated person consist of? The question has been around the classrooms of the Catholic University for more than ten years, developing a joint reflection between academics and UC students. 

The academic of the UC Faculty of Education paulo volante has led two courses around this question, both in undergraduate and continuing education: "Education and Philosophy" and "What does an educated person consist of?”, under the eaves of the Faculty of Education and Institute of Philosophy, giving way to countless conversations, exhibitions, dialogues and exchanges between generations and future professionals around this central question. 

The answers -from different perspectives and without a definitive answer- find today a gathering place in Professor Volante's book "The Philosophical Course: About educating and educating ourselves", launched on June 8 under the editorial UC editions, together with the dean of the Faculty of Education UC Alejandro Carrasco and the panelists Juan Larrain, Director of Applied Ethics Institute; Sylvia Eyzaguirre, researcher of Center for Public Studies, as well as the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities UAH, Eduardo Molina.

A debate that becomes a story and an invitation

What is experienced in the university course is defined by the author as a performance that is presented, seen, heard and felt and enjoyed, and that now, through this text, has the potential to be an invitation "to all who are interested in the phenomenon of education." 

This phenomenon -says Volante- must be understood both in "its broad sense, as a human condition, the educational condition of the human being, and also as those who are interested in education from a more professional and specialized role, how can they be teachers of the educational system, be it university or school”. 

The publication of the book -continues the author- throws the central question of the text into the public space pto be answered and discussed among those who have this educational vocation. Asking the questions "what do we seek when educating ourselves?, what do we want to be when educating ourselves?, what would our education consist of?", would serve as a platform “to think of ourselves and to cultivate our abilities”.

"We'd love for pedagogy students to answer this question. at different stages of his career”, says Flyer, and that they also "were answered by teachers in the educational systemwho probably They have their theories about educating and educating us. This book would be a good motivation, a tool to continue transmitting the question and the reflection”. 

“Most likely, by answering the question what does an educated person consist of, let's talk about our history, let's talk what we think we should do today and let's also dream about the future of education to which we aspire”, concludes Flyer. 

The text is currently on sale at Ediciones UC, and can be obtained through this link.