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Academic Claudia Matus is appointed Full Professor: First woman to obtain tenure in the last 15 years

May 19, 2023

The academic has stood out for her ability to lead major projects on issues of diversity, gender and inclusion, with which she has consolidated new lines of work at a national and international level.


This Friday the Honorable Superior Council of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile unanimously resolved to modify the academic category of the UC Education professor Claudia Matus Canovas, becoming Professor of the Faculty. This modification, which is the highest recognition in the UC academic career, marks a milestone at the Faculty level, since she is the first woman from UC Education to obtain Tenure in the last 15 years, after the academic Adriana Vergara González was appointed in May 2008. 

The academic Claudia Matus Cánovas, current director of the CJE Educational Justice Center, has been highlighted throughout his 25 years at the Faculty for his ability to lead major projects in the area of ​​education, diversity, gender and inclusion, through which has consolidated new lines of research, recognized nationally and internationally. 

Your contribution to educational policies

The projects he has led have resulted in new theoretical perspectives that have influenced not only undergraduate courses –such as the minimum course on Diversity and Inclusion in the Faculty of Education– or doctoral courses with the updating of methodological theories and practices, but also educational policies that have integrated the conceptual guidelines proposed by the academic.

The professor is distinguished not only by her scientific achievements and great contribution in the training and accompaniment of future educational researchers from the PhD program and CJE, mentioned the Dean of Education UC Alejandro Carrasco, but also stands out for its permanent contribution to institutional constructionl and good government of both the Faculty and the University, always guided by a spirit of concord and a vocation for dialogue”. 

Carrasco added that this designation “is relevant for two reasons. First of all, the solid trajectory of Professor Matus is endorsed by this ownership that models our academics, and also academics, in their decisions on how to form a multi-contribution track record. And second, despite being a feminized Faculty 15 years ago that we did not have a female owner, which makes the appointment more significant”.  

The career of the academic, who He joined the Faculty as a teacher in 1998, began with his training in English Philology and later referred to Pedagogy in English in Secondary Education at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Along with this, she completes a Diploma in Environmental Education at UC. 

After finishing his undergraduate degree, he joined the Master in Education Sciences UC and then go to study Ph.D in Educational Policies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the United States, being a Fulbright scholarship holder. Once a doctorate, she returns to the Catholic University to continue her academic career.