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UC Education academics are awarded FONDEDOC in a project on gender perspective and initial teacher training

April 3

“Mapping Gender for Mainstreaming in Initial Teacher Training Programs” is the name of the project.

The Deputy Director of Gender, Ana Luisa Munoz, together with the academics Valentina Errazuriz y Cecilia Ramirez, were awarded in January 2024 a Fund for the Improvement and Innovation of Teaching (FONDEDOC), a competition of the UC Academic Vice-Rector's Office, which aims to support, facilitate and make visible innovation projects, research, proposals or solutions, which give response to a need or problem in the teaching-learning process.

The project titled “Mapping Gender for Mainstreaming in Initial Teacher Training Programs”, arises as a response to an essential question: What are the possibilities and challenges of incorporating the gender perspective in the curriculum of initial teacher training at the Faculty of Education of the PUC?

With a determined focus on the integration of gender teaching in initial teacher training, specifically aimed at Basic General Education (EGB) and Early Childhood Education (EP) careers, this project represents a significant step towards the construction of a more inclusive and fair, as well as an important milestone for the Gender Branch faculty. “The potential impact of this initiative on the training of future teachers at the institution is significant, promoting greater sensitivity towards gender diversity and its integration into educational practice,” explained Ana Luisa Muñoz.

“The award of this fund reinforces the Faculty's commitment to the implementation of a gender perspective and continuous improvement in the quality of education. “This project is expected to inspire new initiatives and contribute to the positive transformation of the educational experience at the university,” he added. 

With this milestone, the Gender Subdirectorate reaffirms its commitment to implementation of the institutional gender policies in force at the Catholic University in the local space of the Faculty and the mainstreaming of the gender perspective in the curriculum of undergraduate courses and programs.