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Faculty of Education UC celebrated the tenth anniversary of the meeting of collaborators

December 7, 2022

At the meeting, the work of the collaborating professors was recognized, who each semester are an active part of the Practice System of the UC Faculty of Education.

In the Gabriela Mistral auditorium of the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University, It has been made on November 29 the tenth meeting of the collaborating professors of the UC Practice System. El Dean Alejandro Carrasco, welcomed the collaborating teachers who each semester allow UC Education students to carry out their pedagogical practices in their different classrooms.

The highest authority, He appreciated the work carried out by the collaborating teachers, because “they link our and future teachers with the classroom, with pedagogical practice, to give future teachers. And with great expectation of this progressive immersion of the work of our students. You are a bridge, you are a language, you are very important modeling”.

La Head of the Practice System of the UC School of Education, Florencia Gómez also thanked the collaborators for all your support. “You have received our teachers in training in your classrooms, generating authentic practice experiences and accompanying your pedagogical decisions during the first and second semesters”, said.

After the words of welcome and thanks, the head of Undergraduate courses, Magdalena Muller, Together with Vice Dean Pilar Cox and the academic Tonia Razmilic, invited the collaborating teachers present to participate in a series of activities related to promoting the professional development of future teachers. Among them, the observation of an image and the interpretations that could be extracted from it, as well as paying attention to a video that shows the dynamics of a Science class in which a group of elementary school students were protagonists.

The objective of these exercises, points out Magdalena Muller, was promote accompaniment and feedback between collaborating teachers. On the other hand, the instance allowed to improve the experiences of the students who carry out their respective practices.
 For the academic, this last point is essential because "there are few studies, but they have found robust evidence of the experiences of the students in their practices and these have a lot to do with whether or not they remain in the profession”, he pointed.