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Faculty of Education participates in the UC International Education Summit: "Innovating in teaching for a post-pandemic world"

January 10, 2023

The International Summit on Education, organized by the Catholic University, will have the participation of 13 authorities, academics, and academics from the UC Faculty of Education, who will make presentations, comment, and deliver conclusions throughout the week.


This Monday, January 9, began the International Summit on Education, meeting place and exchange of experiences between managers, teachers and education specialists about the latest trends and innovations in management, leadership and school and higher education at the national and Latin American level.

The match is divided into two main events. The first is the "XII Conference on School Management and Leadership", which will be held on 9 and January 10, and the second is the "XIX Conference on Higher Education Management", to be held on 11 and January 12.

This summit, which has a hybrid format, contemplates panels, conferences and various activities, within which they will participate 13 members of the UC Faculty of Education, through presentations, exhibitions and comments. The day was inaugurated yesterday with the welcome of different authorities of the Catholic University, in which the dean of the Faculty of Education, Alejandro Carrasco, and paulo volante, associate professor and director of the Department of Theory and Policy in Education faculty.

"We see with concern in the public debate on education sometimes poorly informed diagnoses, and we believe that it is necessary to put the students, the school communities at the center, more than ever, and that happens by generating a constructive dialogue between all the educational actors, supporting the efforts of the educational authority, and for that we consider that The university plays a very important role. A role of articulation, generation of robust evidence, and in that, this particular summit is a great space“, indicated in the welcome the dean Alejandro Carrasco.

Paulo Volante, academic director of the Conference on School Management and Leadership, presented the program and said he was “very happy and satisfied” that the inauguration of the 2023 International Summit on Education has arrived, particularly the XII Inter-American Conference on Educational Management and Leadership.

“What does it mean that we are starting this opportunity for joint work and intense conversation around our concerns in this area? First of all, and following the call of the authorities, both from the Ministry of Education and from our own university and in particular from the Faculty of Education, We are concerned and are especially focused on the question of recovery, acceleration, reactivation of learning in Chile, in Latin America and the world. In this sense, we have tried to align the different presentations by virtue of this call made to us by our rector, the Ministry of Education, our dean and in general the people who are here”, added Volante.

Within the framework of the international conference held this afternoon, called "Leading with resilience and well-being in turbulent times?", Susana Begging, Associate Professor of the Faculty and director of the Department of Learning and Development, was the person in charge of making closing comments. During the second day, other faculty from the Faculty will also participate as commentators at international conferences.

Dean Alejandro Carrasco will comment at the conference "Education and schooling post-crisis Covid 19. Assessment and accountability to react quickly in educational policies, practices and research”. In the second, titled "Leading Through Crisis: Leadership Lessons in Troubled Times," he will comment Magdalena Muller, Undergraduate Director of the Faculty of Education.

Sure Cupcake, associate professor of the Faculty and director of the Center for the Study of Policies and Practices in Education (CEPPE), will be the moderator in the national panel “Advances and challenges of educational leadership at the local level”, and will also participate this Wednesday the 11th in the international conference "Future challenges in education and technology, three views". Tuesday afternoon, Pilar Cox, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education, will deliver together with Paulo Volante and the associate professor of the Faculty and director of the UC Center for Educational Transformation (UC CENTER), Ernesto Trevino, various conclusions at the closing of the XII Inter-American Conference on School Management and Leadership.

In parallel, the Summit on Education It also includes online presentations. Patricia guerrero, assistant professor at the Faculty, presented as author in the paper "Occupational health in Lyceum 1: Excellence and care for learning”. The Faculty academic, Solar Horace, in the presentation "Intermediate leadership in mathematics to promote common goals in development processes".

On Wednesday, January 11, Daniela Véliz, Associate Professor and Director of Research of the Faculty, will hold the inauguration of the XIX Conference on Higher Education Management, of which she is the academic director. In this presentation, representatives of the Ministry of Education and the Catholic University will participate, as well as Andres Bernasconi, full professor of the Faculty and president of the National Accreditation Commission (CNA).

On Thursday, January 12, Daniela Veliz will also comment on the international conference “The advancement of female leadership in higher education: Perspectives, problems and possibilities”, and will deliver conclusions at the end of the day.

Carlos Gonzalez, associate professor of the Faculty and director of the Millennium Nucleus Student Experience in Higher Education, will comment on the international conference “Data, technology, teaching and learning in higher education in a post-covid world", Y Veronica Santelices, associate professor of the Faculty and director of the Master of Education UC, will deliver impressions on the international conference “Mentoring and coaching as a specialized form of learning”. Both conferences will be held this Thursday, January 12.

We invite you to know the details of the programming of the International Summit of Education in this link.